Describe a positive thing a family member has done for you.

My husband loves his car

Before going to Hajj he sold it so that when we will come back we will buy better car

But that year the prices of hajj escalated and he pulled out extra amount for me from that car money

He knew that with the remaining amount he won’t be able to but a better car but yet he did it

That is the best thing anyone could have done for me

BTW i silently prayed for him to buy the bestest car in town and Alhamdolilah with the grace of Allah we did buy brand new car and i didn’t had to sold my mini car

Means now we had two cars

His one was the brand new

Author: Kiran

Stayed home Mom who is currently an empty nester. Keen to learn new things and loves to travel the world and learn new languages and keen to learn about new cultures.

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